The Simple Seerah - Part Two - The Story of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
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NOTE: This book is part of our 'Simple Seerah Bundle'.
The Simple Seerah Bundle includes:
- The Simple Seerah Part One
- The Simple Seerah Part Two
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About the book
The amazing story covers the life of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the history of Islam, written in an easy-to-read format for teenagers and young adults.
After struggling through the challenges of Prophethood in Part One, and narrowly surviving an assassination attempt by the Quraysh, the Prophet PBUH is left with no choice but to leave his hometown; the place he was born, raised, and loved. Together with his best friend Abu Bakr RA, he migrates northwards in search of a new home.
Now begins a new chapter in Prophet Muhammad's PBUH life: building a new community. A community based on the principles of fairness, justice, kindness, and worshiping the One true God alone. Though warmly received by many in the city, there are pockets of people who don't want him there, trying to undermine him at every step. And then there remains the issue of the Quraysh who only have one thing on their mind: revenge.
For the best reading experience, we recommend reading The Simple Seerah - Part One before starting this book.
About the authors
Ustadh Asim Khan has spent much of his life studying Tafsir and Islamic sciences with an aim to help the younger generation connect more with the Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Ustadh Asim Khan also regularly delivers transformative Islamic seminars and courses related to Islamic sciences, Tafsir, and history.
Toyris Miah’s idea for the Simple Seerah came about when Toyris discovered his 11-year-old nephew Zakaria had a passion for reading history books. He tried to find some Islamic history books for Zakaria but struggled to find anything which catered to his age group, this sparked a desire to produce a book on the Seerah that appealed to a younger demographic.
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