Judgement Day - Deeds That Light the Way
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NOTE: This book is part of the 'Omar Suleiman Bundle'.
Omar Suleiman Bundle includes:
- Judgement Day - Deeds That Light the Way
- The Prophet of Mercy
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About the Book
This book brings hope by highlighting how even the smallest good deeds can provide illumination on that ominous day.
In every moment of the day of Judgement, from the moment you rise from your grave to when you take your place in the great assembly, from when you are brought forth to be held accountable for your deeds, to preparing to cross the Bridge (Sirat), there are good deeds that YOU have sent forth that will come to your aid. Deeds that will take you by the hand and testify on your behalf, that will settle your feet and shade you from the scorching heat, that will light your way in the darkness and guide you to the abode of eternal light.
So do not ask your Lord when the day of Judgement will be, but ask yourself what deeds have YOU prepared for that day!
295 pages
This book includes:
- After One Dies
- When Allah Addresses the Gathering
- Justice for the Oppressed
- Saved for Saving Others
- Heavy Words on One's Scale
- The Many Blessings of Wudu
- Drinking from the Prophet's Hands
- Waiting at the Gates of Heaven
About the Author
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