Islamic Creed Series - Book 7 - Paradise & Hell
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NOTE: This book is part of the 'Afterlife Bundle'.
Afterlife Bundle includes 3 'Islamic Creed Series' books:
- The Minor Resurrection
- The Day of Resurrection
- Paradise & Hell
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Arguably nothing is more important to the believer than attaining admittance to Paradise and avoiding Hell. This will be the fruit of a person’s deeds in this life. These issues, which are matters of the unseen, are major issues of faith. In this book, the author has covered all the facts pertaining to these issues. The descriptions of Paradise and Hell and their inhabitants will make every reader more conscious of the ultimate goal in life, and keep him or her busy in remembering these realities.
This book includes topics such as:
- The keepers and descriptions of Paradise and Hell
- The levels, gates and deeds
- The first people to enter Paradise and Hell
And many other eye-opening topics!
About the Author:
Dr. ‘Umar Sulaymân al-Ashqar is a professor in the Faculty of Islamic Law at the University of Jordan. He was previously the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Law at al-Zarqa’ University, also in Jordan. Dr. al-Ashqar was born in Palestine in 1940. His family later moved to Madinah, Saudi Arabia, and he attended the Islamic University of Madinah, where he completed his bachelor’s degree. He received his master’s and doctorate degrees from al-Azhar University in Cairo.
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