Islamic Creed Series - Book 5 - The Minor Resurrection
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NOTE: This book is part of the 'Afterlife Bundle'.
Afterlife Bundle includes 3 'Islamic Creed Series' books:
- The Minor Resurrection
- The Day of Resurrection
- Paradise & Hell
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What happens after death? When will the end of the world be? Are we really living in the last days? These are questions which concern everyone, no matter what his or her background. Many have tried to answer these questions, producing theories that range from the fanciful to the nihilistic. But man-made notions cannot answer questions about matters which man has no way of finding out by himself. In these as in so many other issues, Islam brings us answers. Surely the One Who gives life and takes it away, is the One Who is the best to inform us of what happens after death. The One Who has created this universe and mankind is the best to tell us about when this world will come to an end and mankind will be called for judgement. He has informed us about these matters, in His book and through His Prophet (saw).
In this book, Dr. Umar S. al-Ashqar examines all these issues from the point of view of the Qur'an and Sunnah. He looks at issues of death and what happens to a person's soul after death, including the questioning of the angels and the torment of the grave. He also examines the signs of the Hour, which indicate that the Day of Judgement is approaching many of which are already happening. As always he quotes extensively from the texts, placing these issues squarely within the Islamic framework and dispelling the myth and misunderstandings that have arisen and become prevalent.
This book includes topics such as:
- The inevitability of death
- The state of al-barzakh (interval)
- The angels of death
- The lessons of death
- The terrors and darkness of the grave
- How the trial will be
- Reasons for the punishment of the grave
- The major signs of qiyamat in detail (e.g dajjal, the beast etc)
And many other eye-opening topics!
About the Author:
Dr. ‘Umar Sulaymân al-Ashqar is a professor in the Faculty of Islamic Law at the University of Jordan. He was previously the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Law at al-Zarqa’ University, also in Jordan. Dr. al-Ashqar was born in Palestine in 1940. His family later moved to Madinah, Saudi Arabia, and he attended the Islamic University of Madinah, where he completed his bachelor’s degree. He received his master’s and doctorate degrees from al-Azhar University in Cairo.
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