The Prophet ﷺ Described
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About the Book
The Prophet ﷺ Described weaves together classical accounts of the appearance and character of Allah's SWT finest creation, using the narrations of those closest to him.
Expertly crafted into a story-conversation between a mother and son, and using flowing, rhyming text, this book makes learning about Allah's Messenger ﷺ a rich and captivating experience. With spectacular illustrations that subtly echo the descriptions, this book is a treasure to be read over and over again.
You'll be left in awe, wonder and warmth by not just your increased love for the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, but even more so, by his love for you.
By the time your child has completed the book they would have effortlessly memorised the description of the Prophet ﷺ in sha Allah.
This book includes:
- The book is based upon verified hadith narrations so you can rest assured that your child is receiving sound and solid knowledge of Islam.
- It is a panoramic picture book with stunning imagery that captivates and elevates your child’s senses and attention, all in an Islamic-themed story.
48 pages
About the Author
Zaheer Khatri
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