Muslim Teens: Today's Worry, Tomorrow's Hope - A Practical Islamic Parenting Guide
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About the Book
"Muslim Teens: Today's Worry, Tomorrow's Hope - A Practical Islamic Parenting Guide" is a valuable book written with the intention of assisting parents in raising Muslim teenagers in a positive and nurturing manner. Authored by an experienced writer, this guide aims to address the unique challenges faced by Muslim teens in today's world and offers practical advice grounded in Islamic teachings.
The book covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to the upbringing and development of Muslim teenagers. It explores issues such as identity formation, peer pressure, relationships, academic and career choices, social media, and the balance between religious and worldly obligations. It provides insights into the emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being of Muslim teens, along with guidance on how parents can support and guide them through these formative years.
"Muslim Teens" emphasizes the importance of fostering a strong Islamic identity in teenagers, promoting values such as faith, character, and moral responsibility. It encourages parents to create open lines of communication, establish trust, and maintain a supportive environment for their teens to navigate the challenges they may encounter.
The book offers practical strategies for addressing common concerns and dilemmas faced by Muslim teenagers, providing advice on how to handle issues such as dating, substance abuse, peer influence, and academic stress while staying true to Islamic principles. It emphasizes the significance of parental involvement, setting boundaries, and providing a nurturing environment that nurtures both the religious and personal growth of the teens.
Furthermore, "Muslim Teens" incorporates real-life examples, case studies, and relevant stories to illustrate key points and help parents connect with the material. It provides a comprehensive approach to parenting, offering guidance on effective communication, discipline, and fostering positive relationships within the family.
About the Authors
Dr. Ekram Beshir and Mohamed R. Beshir are a married couple who have collaborated on various Islamic books and publications. They are both renowned authors and educators who have made significant contributions to the field of Islamic education and family life.
Dr. Ekram Beshir is known for her expertise in Islamic parenting, marriage, and family dynamics. She holds a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the University of Melbourne, Australia, and has conducted extensive research in the areas of Islamic education and family studies.
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